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Rees-Moog denounces Dickens’ A Christmas Carol as “Trotskyist ballyhoo”

Jacob Rees-Mogg, Leader of the House of Commons, has doubled down on his recent criticism of UNICEF’s decision to feed Britain’s starving children.

After Rees-Mogg saying in the Commons that UNICEF should be “ashamed” of the decision, MP Zarah Sultana, who was present for the outburst, decided to later gift him a copy of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol with the personal message: “It seems this wasn’t on Eton’s reading list. Zarah”

Rees-Mogg, who is founder and owner of a multi-million-pound company whose profits avoid corporation tax through a network of companies leading back to the Cayman Islands, responded: “Whilst one is beholden to the honourable member for such a scholarly tome, one feels its rather contentious grist is little more than Trotskyist ballyhoo. If Bob Cratchit’s family aren’t satisfied with their modest plenitude, they should take a brief disquisition into their own 17th century ancestor’s failure to establish a familial estate or hereditary title rather than blaming their current employer.”

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